wee bits

I was doing this yesterday. (see above.) Which felt like more...anticipation...than anything else. Truth be told, it wasn't so bad! At all! And I was expecting...let's just say...more. (But I'm not complaining.) Here's the rest of my unraveling this week :). Thank you to Kat for hosting...and to all the talented makers + smart readers... Continue Reading →

and back again. (again!)

I loved this ephemeral, collective artwork near Anna Maria Island, FL. We all added a shell we found in the surf. Hello, friends + readers! It was good to go away, and it's good to be back. I count myself lucky to feel both. I've got a little to share in making + reading today,... Continue Reading →


I knitted this heart garland from scrap yarn a dozen years ago or so. I'm always happy when I remember to pull it out for Valentine's Day! And by spinning, I mean me! Not fiber. Joining with Kat + Friends for Unraveled Wednesday (...thank you, Kat!). I love to see what everyone's making + reading,... Continue Reading →

setting a soft deadline

I've only linked up at Kat's Unraveled Wednesday once...last spring...when I had to sew my 'now or never' projects before a cross-country move. Why the deadline? No real reason. I'm just...better with a deadline. Which is why I'm linking up this season! My son asked me to knit him a sweater. Last March. What'll it... Continue Reading →

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