practice makes better

It's spring! 'Ish. Never mind yesterday's snow and 33° on my homescreen this morning: Bright yellow bulbs are forging ahead, birdsong's amping up, and I'm thinking -- for the umpteenth spring in a row -- how much I love pussy willows. Let's see what everyone's up to on this first Unraveled... of the season. Thanks... Continue Reading →

to everything there’s a season…

...and as it turns, so does my attention! Monday felt like the first day of spring in our yard. Robins; carpets of snowdrops; budding hydrangeas and viburnum. Daffs, hyacinths, + tulips are up. Peonies just pushed through. I've been poking around the reforesting lot (that one-third acre I'm letting be...), happy with some evidence of... Continue Reading →

whew! an unraveled wednesday

part i {making} It would not be a stretch to say the last 24 hours have been…apocalyptic. I’m writing on Tuesday night, when I’m supposed to be hosting a One Word Workshop…after which I was so looking forward to finally getting back to a Read With Us discussion! (Of this book.) (Which I finished just... Continue Reading →

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