currently {5.24}

Today’s banner photo is a snapshot of last week’s retreat cabin. It was every bit as peaceful as it looks!

The thing about going away is that you get home and it’s like…Where’d the month go?! (Especially when ‘away’ is ‘retreat.’ Because that’s a total time warp for me.)

All month, Memorial Day Weekend’s felt way-way off. Now, suddenly, it’s upon us, and late May is going like Dominoes.

Which feels like a good time to pause for a sec and do currently… a fun wordplay post with 5 new verbs (from this random verb generator) each month. Starting with —


I Brake for Aparagus…?!

For this asparagus — definitely.

It’s *that* time of year, and when I saw the sign out, I did a U-turn. (When it comes to the What’s for dinner? question, ‘produce stand season’ is my favorite season.)


I hadn’t thought of it this way, but you could call this stretching.

Yesterday afternoon, I attended a play at our local arts center. It was unlike any I’ve seen, and I probably wouldn’t have seen it had I not had friends and acquaintances in it. Ancestral Voices, by A.R. Gurney, is not a traditional play with sets and staging and scene changes. It’s ‘reader’s theater.’ The actors, in simple costume, are seated on stage and — just like it sounds — they read the script.

If this sounds a little…dull(?)…well, I suppose it could be. But not with this cast!

I might’ve gone in with…reservations. I mean, would actors, seated and reading from scripts, hold my attention nearly as well as a fully costumed, propped, and staged cast? This was…stretching.

So imagine my delight + surprise when it did! Not only did it hold my attention, but I was verifiably rapt. (And not just by the actors I knew, but by all of them. It was a perfectly cast play.)

It’s got to be a mark of exemplary acting when 7 readers can perform a play with the barest of bones and the audience doesn’t want it to end!

(I’m so glad I stretched.)


For the most part, it’s black coffee for me. But every once in a while I like something fun…

This spring, I’m adding lavender simple syrup to iced coffee in the afternoons. In advance: Prepare simple syrup. (1:1 ratio of water to sugar. After the sugar dissolves and it’s very gently boiled for a minute, I turn off the heat, add a tablespoon’ish of culinary lavender buds, cover, and leave it for an hour.) Refrigerate in a jar. Brew a pot of extra strong coffee, refrigerate it. Now you have supplies for several iced lavenders. Pour desired amounts of each over ice. For an iced lavender latté, add a little cream on top and watch it get all pretty.


Okay. This one might be another s-t-r-e-t-c-h…!

Bacon. How I’m…employing…bacon.

Yesterday, after spending our first night at the cottage (6 minutes away; we used to live 21 hours away), I told Troy, “I think I’ll bring back the lemon meringue s’more this summer.” Graham cracker or gingersnap/marshmallow/lemon curd.

“What other ideas…?” I asked him.

He came up with bacon. And a swipe of peanut butter. I say simpler, less messy — try a Reese’s. So it’ll be graham cracker/Reese cup/marshmallow/bacon.

In conversation it sounded brilliant. When I type it, though, I get a little woozy. (It could practically substitute for dinner, ya think?!) We’ll see!


I’ll take this one figuratively:

I’m unpacking my thoughts about this space for the season.

Late spring and summer have a rhythm and pace unto their own — one that’s both full and less. Very much so. And at the same time.

With 4 of us living full and less (more than ever at this stage)…and with a dip in from A♥drey come 4th of July…I want to Be In It.

Not…scrambling to Keep Up.

(I’m not a rusher/pack-it-in/spread ‘er thin kinda girl.)

Blogging fosters connection with you…refocusing for me…a centering…and inspiration. I want to embrace the full and the less, both here — and ‘out there.’

So I’m unpacking the possibilities.

What about you? Any takes on Braking…Stretching…Pouring…Employing…Unpacking these days?

(Those were kind of funny ones this time around — but that’s what a I love about currently! AND the Random Verb Generator!)

7 thoughts on “currently {5.24}

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  1. I love that Asparagus U-Turn! Oh how I love fresh asparagus! I spent some time outside weeding (sigh) the abundance of rain we have gotten makes those weeks grow like mad! I’d like to find a healthy way to put the brakes on them! Haha! Enjoy your week… and I am thinking that bacon s’mores sound amazing!


  2. I’m another who thinks the bacon smores sound wonderful (and I don’t even really like smores!! lol). Fresh asparagus – the best!! Last night I roasted some with sun dried tomatoes and onions…a bit of EVOO and S&P – delish!! The play sounds a bit weird to me, but I will trust you that it was engaging.


  3. Well I don’t eat bacon, so I think I’ll skip those s’mores, but I am down for one with a Reese’s cup in place of plain chocolate! Also good are s’mores Rice Krispie treats (add in crushed graham crackers and chocolate chips to the regular recipe), which supposedly are amazing toasted over a fire. Sheesh, now I’m hungry!

    At this time of year, I always puzzle over how it is that the days are longer but yet seem to go by so much faster than the short, cold days of the year. But I am looking forward to having my kiddo around with me more and to taking some days off to spend time with her.


  4. I love the braking for fresh asparagus. We were just talking about the Farmer’s Market opening and whether they would have fresh salad green. I love the verbs from the Random Verb Generator. Stretching – I’m stretching into healing up my mouth and accepting what is as I recover. I’ve also done a little stretching with slow stitching.


  5. I love road side stalls with honesty boxes. Few and far between these days I find. But well worth a U turn, Many years ago a friend and I read Waiting for Godot outside, for our own amusement. We were pretty shocked to discover we had a crowd at the end.


  6. I had an espresso tonic last week and it was amazing. I’ve been pondering add-ins (the recipe I saw added orange bitters) and your lavender syrup might be just the ticket! and I love how you’re embracing the gifts of the upcoming season. However you want to/need to/(can!) show up here will be lovely. Here’s to summer! (also – SIX minutes away from the cottage might be an excess of goodness … I hope not!)


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