more + more delights {15}

above: damselfly; stock photo

My favorite outside-y thing these days is stepping into that tall grass I told you about. (Here.) (Thank you your strong support of my enedeavor!)

We stopped mowing it last July. By late fall, it was inches over my ankles. Now, it’s feet past. And the wild asters are up to my waist.

Except when it’s wet, I like to wander through and…inventory. What’s new? What’s different? What was never here before? What didn’t I notice here before? The light green sensitive fern. Slender citrine forktails, a damselfly. Sugar maple shoots near the big stump.

Yesterday morning, the grass just about dry from the stormy, night I glimpsed something here.

And it was this! A columbine.

Which might not mean anything much –except to Colorado friends + readers.

I parted the grass and got a little hit of love, out of nowhere.

This one’s all white. The Colorado state flower, widely known and recognized there, is white + lavender. But this surprise in the grass, a columbine nonetheless.

Delight! For sure. And sending some love right back…

Wishing US readers a meaningful Memorial Day — and a happy week-ending to all.

I’ll open the link party Tuesday, May 28, for our monthly One Word Check-in — I hope you’ll join us! ‘Til then…♥

8 thoughts on “more + more delights {15}

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  1. That’s so apropos for you, Bunny. I’d bet dollars to doughnuts that it is the only columbine around your neighborhood. Mother nature having a little fun with you. I wonder if you’ll find bluebonnets, too. And that’s a pretty good kind to have. Looking forward to Sunday. And I am anxious to see more of the wildflowers come into their grand opening soon!❤️


  2. A white columbine – Wow. It is beautiful. I’m so enjoying your reforested natural yard/garden/meadow. I can just imagine the joy at exploring it through the seasons. I’m sure it’s not all sunshine and butterflies but how rewarding to look at the area in this way.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Having just finished the Easter season, I’m attuned to stories of resurrection and this one is beautiful … literally! the columbine flower has so many different meanings, but what I love most for you is the connection back to Colorado. Please do continue to share the evolving story with us!

    Liked by 1 person

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