more + more delights {15}

above: damselfly; stock photo My favorite outside-y thing these days is stepping into that tall grass I told you about. (Here.) (Thank you your strong support of my enedeavor!) We stopped mowing it last July. By late fall, it was inches over my ankles. Now, it's feet past. And the wild asters are up to... Continue Reading →

this is how it is!

Remember this one? Aesop's fable about the thirsty crow? (Crows are caw, cawing in the distance as I write this, actually.) She drops pebbles in the pitcher, raising the water level in order to take a drink. Well, that's how everything's happening here these days! And, I find, that's okay. A little here, a little... Continue Reading →

tall grass

I guess you could call it a 'house mullet.' Or 'yard mullet.' Business in the front, party in the back. It started last July when one of the [many] wind storms that year did significant damage to our trees. Big, 150-year-old trees. I was stuck on the grounds of Chautauqua Institution. The storm whipped up... Continue Reading →


It's been on my mind (but I keep forgetting) to write a 'follow-up' on a few recent topics I've shared (and, since then, have more information). Like...that 'visual look-up' thing I use on my phone all.the.time. And these useful-though-not-as-much-fun tools + tricks on iPhones. Since then, here's something else I learned from my kids. (Harry... Continue Reading →

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