buttoning up

I need to get packing and button up here -- but first, it's time to check in with with Kat + Friends! Let's see what's unraveling -- part i (the yarn) I'm not sure where the week's gone -- but very little of it's been to making. I do have a pair of socks now,... Continue Reading →

something old, something new

January 2nd came so fast! Yesterday seemed too soon for school to start, for Troy to head out on a work trip, for choir rehearsal and a weekend of upcoming concerts. But...ready or not, right? Holiday time was all t♥getherness here (and sickness, too, this year...), so I have little to share in Unravelings. What... Continue Reading →

merry making

part i {making] For Christmas '95, in my first apartment on Westland Ave., I made just about everything I could. Most of my pay went to Bo$ton rent -- and space was at a premium within those four walls! So buying stuff, only to have to store it, or worse yet toss it? No. My... Continue Reading →

crossing the finish line

{part i} the yarn I made it! I thought I'd finish in the wee hours last Thursday. (Thanksgiving being my self-imposed deadline.) (Without one, I knew I'd delay putting pieces together.) And I was close! But at the hour you see on that clock (a.m.)...and likely because of that ridiculous hour!...I made an oversight sewing... Continue Reading →

something’s better than nothing?

First, a great big thank you for the supportive response to last week's front neckline conundrum. Between technical help, offers for FaceTime, and general encouragement, I felt like the luckiest amateur knitter out there. So, I mean it. Sincerest thanks. ♥ Though it took a little longer, I also had an email from the designer.... Continue Reading →

setting a soft deadline

I've only linked up at Kat's Unraveled Wednesday once...last spring...when I had to sew my 'now or never' projects before a cross-country move. Why the deadline? No real reason. I'm just...better with a deadline. Which is why I'm linking up this season! My son asked me to knit him a sweater. Last March. What'll it... Continue Reading →

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