this is how it is!

Remember this one? Aesop's fable about the thirsty crow? (Crows are caw, cawing in the distance as I write this, actually.) She drops pebbles in the pitcher, raising the water level in order to take a drink. Well, that's how everything's happening here these days! And, I find, that's okay. A little here, a little... Continue Reading →

[not really] unraveled

Since Kat's away on vacay, I'll save my 'yarn + yarns' for next week. And hopefully catch up on my stitching by then! I kind of...forgot...I'm doing a temperature project. (I've continued my line-a-day diary, recording high + low temperatures, birds at my feeders + baths, and occasional garden notes. It's that I forgot that... Continue Reading →

crossing the finish line

{part i} the yarn I made it! I thought I'd finish in the wee hours last Thursday. (Thanksgiving being my self-imposed deadline.) (Without one, I knew I'd delay putting pieces together.) And I was close! But at the hour you see on that clock (a.m.)...and likely because of that ridiculous hour!...I made an oversight sewing... Continue Reading →

something’s better than nothing?

First, a great big thank you for the supportive response to last week's front neckline conundrum. Between technical help, offers for FaceTime, and general encouragement, I felt like the luckiest amateur knitter out there. So, I mean it. Sincerest thanks. ♥ Though it took a little longer, I also had an email from the designer.... Continue Reading →

sending out an s.o.s.

above: Penelope Unraveling Her Work at Night by Dora Wheeler Keith (1856-1940) part i {the yarn} I often think of Penelope when I unravel a lot of yarn -- and it's especially comical this week, since Troy's out of town... (Fans of The Odyssey, or anyone who remembers it, know what I mean. Where to... Continue Reading →

setting a soft deadline

I've only linked up at Kat's Unraveled Wednesday once...last spring...when I had to sew my 'now or never' projects before a cross-country move. Why the deadline? No real reason. I'm just...better with a deadline. Which is why I'm linking up this season! My son asked me to knit him a sweater. Last March. What'll it... Continue Reading →

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