currently {3.23}

I loved the concept of Anne’s [retired] currently party, so I’m revisiting her wordplay in my own little corner of Blogland this year. Just for fun.

I’d love to hear what you’re up to…currently…in comments, below!

Let’s go —

What are you…?

{remembering} how much easier it is to bake at low altitude! So much easier. I did, eventually, find a liquid/flour/sugar formula for cakes and quick breads at a mile high–but I still held my breath every single time.

Since spring ushers in family birthdays for us, I dug out my pans (for the first time since living here!). And while I’m not eating much sugar these days, I am eating some–and here’s one for the rotation:

I filled this two-layer white cake with raspberry preserves, topped it with Chantilly cream, then coconut + fresh raspberries. (I’ll try the same cake with lemon curd filling and lime-Chantilly cream…because why not?!)

{hearing} birdsong in the morning when I open the door for Duke…which means spring really has sprung! The robins have come back ’round; the jays squawk and cardinals whistle. I’m pretty sure the cardinals sing the sweetest, cheeriest song of any in our backyard…

{preparing} for a contractor, who will build new walls and shelving, install knotty pine floor boards and drywall, move some windows (and add at least one) in our cottage. We’re doing the demo ourselves and repurposing as much as possible. Troy finally found my dream sink on Craigslist–cast iron with drain boards, made in ’48. (The cottage was built in the 1940s, and our goal is for the new not to look new–at all.)

{asking} what Thomas Wolfe work to read before visiting his mother’s boardinghouse in Asheville next month. I’m thinking length will be the determining factor with Wolfe! (Not that height indicates verbosity, but did you know he was 6’6″?) Anyway–our road trip is fast approaching and days will be full ’til then, so short stories or novella it will be! (Fans may know the Fitzgeralds also have history in Asheville…brief and dark and tragic as it was.)

{finding} ourselves in a new parenting season. And it’s a neat one. Audrey spent her spring break with us, and we noticed a big shift in sibling dynamics. No fighting! No bickering! No hurt feelings! Seeing their connection to and appreciation for one another was…I don’t even know how to say it. Just, a whole lotta good feels.

March has had a spaciousness that I’ve enjoyed and appreciated…but it is winding down! That means I’ll be back on Monday to open our One Word link party (which stays up through the following Sunday.)

‘Til then…!

12 thoughts on “currently {3.23}

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  1. Parenting just keeps getting better and better… take it from me… my adult kids are all the best of friends and that warms my heart.


  2. That cake looks like it could be in the pages of a cookbook — and I’ll bet it tasted even better! I have never baked at a high altitude, but I struggle with it enough where I live to imagine it must have been challenging.

    I am glad to hear that the kids are shifting into seeing each other as friends rather than annoyances or competition. It took me and my brother (who is six years younger than I am and was seven years behind me in school) a while to get to that place, but I’m so glad we did.


      1. I do not — challah is the only bread I’ve ever succeeded at! But I am hoping to try other breads this year, and I’d love to be able to do baguette!


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